Thursday, December 09, 2004

Sick & Bored

I've been home sick the last two days with tonsilitis, sinus infection and larengitis....... but no strep!


I am soooooooooooo bored.......... I've played my Pharaoh game through two levels, updated this blog, I even washed dishes & cleaned the cat box!

I want to go back to my crappy job and let small children wipe icky stuff on me again. I need human contact....... and I think I'm starting to cramp my cat's style being home all day.


Burfica said...

I'm sorry you don't feel good. Tie a helium filled balloon to the cats tail and watch the fun. hehehehee

I send you big (((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))

~SugarBear~ said...

LOL - does kitty's butt float???? I'll have to try that one sometime when the kids aren't around. I don't need to give the aliens any ideas, they come up with enough of their own. (case in point: the gumball incident)

I am feeling much better - thanks!