Saturday, September 10, 2005

I'm online again! Whoopie!

I am officially wired again as of yesterday - love my new cable connection. I can now waste countless hours of my life online once again.

Actually, now that I've posted about Dad & made this short post, it's time to go to my college website and take my physics test, (rolling eyes) oh joy (sighs & rolls eyes again).

What will really happen now that I'm back online:

The aliens will be begging to play Neopets every waking moment. (But Moooommmm - they're starrrrvvvvvvving!)

I'll be catching up on everyone's blog (it's been almost two whole months!!). Blog withdrawl is an ugly thing, pray you never go through it.

I've got what seems like 4 million e-mails to answer. Even though EVERY single one of my family & friends KNEW I had limited internet access, they felt it necessary to continue to send me all those normally-cute forwarded e-mails non-stop. Warning: If it says "FW: " on it, folks it's getting deleted. I'm only reading the REAL stuff for the next week.

And of course - Physics 162 has all the tests/quizes online. yea. lol

Well, it's off to take a test on another exciting chaper in my first class of the week!

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