Friday, February 08, 2008

I'm Still Alive!

I haven't died - I'm sure my neighbors wish I would. Garbage has gotten so bad with them that I've had to call the police on them. The police are working with the landlord to hopefully get the nut jobs out of the place.

We finally got grandma into an assisted living facility after much trouble. At almost 92 she didn't want to live with a bunch of "old" people. She has trouble remembering her own name - she has no business living on her own & driving. It's been a big stress for all of our family.

ADHD has been taking it's toll on my nerves. It's been a battle to get a medication adjustment for the kids.

Alien #2 is falling further behind at school & I'm having a battle to my child the education he has a right to get. It's too much for me to try to make up for the teachers' failure by homeschooling him in the evenings & on weekends. His meds have worn off by then & his nerves are shot from trying to keep it together at school all day.

Classes are going well but crazy weather has closed the university twice this semester which has put us behind in all my classes. Now coursework is piling up. Add that to the lack of peace & quiet at home due to the neighbors, getting homework done is near impossible.

We now have hermit crabs living at our home - Mr. Crabs & Hermie - pictures soon to come. Aliens can't figure out why I like these little critters but can't stand spicers.

Almost have the landlord talked into letting us have a dog.

Still waiting for internet access at home - crappy weather is a huge hold up on that one. As soon as I get the cable hooked up I can update my blog more often.

Home everyone is doing well - have a great weekend!


Burfica said...

I've been checking in on you once in a while to just see if your doing okay.

Gosh I sure understand how life can get up and go go go with you in the middle of it.

I hope all the meds and teacher problems work out. Being a mom of a kid with learning disabilities, I've had to keep on my toes, and be in the middle of the schools face for quite a few years now. It's very stressful.

Ugggghhh horrid neighbors are the worst, lets hope they get kicked out soon.

Canadian flake said...

Well I am glad you are still alive and sorry the neighbours are being idiots..

I have been checking in regularly for word of you...

Hang in there...