Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Holly & Soft Paws

My order of soft paws arrived in the mail and without too much trouble, we got them on the kitty last night. It's been 24 hours & she doesn't seem to mind them a bit. I didn't get scratched with "happy feet" last night either... nice.


GoGo said...

I so want to see a picture of south paws. I know I feel fatigued more than not, maybe I should try the Noni juice...of course to be honest, I just want to try it so inbetween sips I can say over and over again "noni, noni, noni". I'm completely serious, I would. :o).

I hope the fatigue gets better. Glad to see your posting again.

Alekx said...

Maybe I should send you my cat for soft paws cuz she's about to have no paws if she keeps scratching at the TV speaker
Damn thing anyway
