Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Finals are done......YEA!!!

Well, finals are done & came off without incident, thankfully. Many courses gave the option of taking you grade as it stood as your final grade for the semester. Other courses didn't give the option, they simply canceled the final exam - you get what you get. Still, most instructors opted to go on with final exams as scheduled for Tuesday - Thursday, it was only the Monday classes that got all messed up.

Now that finals are done, I can finally finish Christmas shopping. The aliens are in school for three more days so I have plenty of time to shop without worrying about what to do with them while I sneak presents into the house, I can boldly walk through the door & wrap like a crazy woman so it's all done before they arrive home.

I'm also babysitting a friend's dog while she's off visiting family & getting married. His new name is "Puddles". Puddles gets so excited every time he sees the aliens that he goes on my carpet! I now, thanks to my shampooer, have the cleanest carpet on the block. He's a little dauschaund/yorkey mix & is the cutest little thing. I'll have to post a picture. We really do love having him, at least the aliens & I do, the cats are still not sure about this "thing" that sits on their sofa with their people and gets attention that should be for them. It's kinda nice having a dog around the house again.


Burfica said...

"She's getting married. And his name is Puddles" That just sounded wrong in my head. hahahahahahahahahahaa

congrats on finishing the finals.

We got a little chihuahua rat terrier mix. And she became my dog. I didn't realize how much I missed having a small dog to cuddle with till we got her. It had been over 15 years since I've had a small one.

cheekyfaces said...

Oh I miss my little dog.....they are loving pets aren't they?

Canadian flake said...

Wtg and congrats on finishing the finals. Enjoy the last minute shopping... it should be totally insane..lmao.

Enjoy Puddles too..lmao.

iamnasra said...

Merry X-Mas ..thank you for adding me and your lovely visits ..was delightful ...

Alekx said...

whoooo hooooooooo on finals.
One hurdle down!!!

Puddles can hang out with the shit puppy at my house. Might as well make my carpet well rounded. hehehee

Happy Holidays