Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm nuts

I have no idea what I was thinking. I had the bright idea that the kids would be responsible & could handle having mice for pets. We have cats! Now the cats think we've brought home fuzzy kitty treats.

To top it off, one of the little buggers went crazy & started banging it's head on the top of the cage by jumping up over & over. Two days later it died. The pet store said it had some kind of neurological disorder and replaced it with a new mouse. I'll have to post pics tomorrow, they really are kinda cute.

Hope everyone is having a good week.


Xmichra said...

holy crap.. that is a pretty messed up mouse!!

Mice are sweet. I used to have mice and enjoyed them. But the cats will be on extra pounce mode.. lol...

Miranda said...

omg...lol that mouse probably went nuts seeing the cat.

I tot I taw a puddy tat...I did see a puddy tat. LOL

aka ~Miranda