Sunday, October 23, 2005

Holly the Cat

I have always told people my cat is NOT normal. She let a mouse steal so much of her food last winter that she was losing weight (took us awhile to figure out it was a mouse, we thought she was ill). Now I have proof that she's just not right.

Holly is lovable, will purr at the slightest touch, takes turns sleeping with every member of the household, and is always a happy animal. But, somehow I've always thought, something wasn't right. Now I know why.

Last week I caught her up on the table next to the hamster cage. Initially I thought she was trying to get a little snack. I stopped & looked for a minute and just about the time I realized what was happening, Alien #1 says, "Look Mom! She's giving Sparky a bath!!" The Alien was correct. Holly was grooming the hamster. How weird is that?

Like I said - NOT normal.

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