Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Dishes & Meds

Yes, I finally found my dishes on Saturday! I finally feel like a semi-normal human now. That's as good as it gets for me, I'll never be completely normal........ if there even is such a thing.

Got a call from Alien #1's teacher a bit ago - seems he LIED to me this morning and didn't take his ADHD meds! This is the second Tuesday out of the last three that he has done this. I hate when he does that because he' gets soooooooo obnoxious and out of control. This poor teacher is the sweetest thing and is always so kind and understanding. She was so upset when she called me I thought she was going to grind her teeth down to nubs trying to keep it together. Poor thing.

His reasoning for not taking his medicine? "I didn't think I needed it today."
Can you be less obnoxious, sit still, focus, and get your work done on Tuesdays and not other days of the week?
What the heck makes Tuesdays so special?
Is Tuesday the day designated to make everyone in your life miserable because you have absolutely NO control over yourself?
What gives???
Guess it's back to mommy handing out the meds every morning - I really thought we were past this.

I need chocolate! ;)


Burfica said...

chocolate for you and meds for him. hehehehe

Yeah your gonna have to hand them out until he can be more responsible.

Alekx said...

In my job I see that alot. People begin to feel better and figure it's them and not the meds making them feel better. Since none of us, even kids like to admit there is something wrong with us, it's trying to see if normalicy can be reached with out the meds.
Good luck next Tuesday

Canadian flake said...

wow I TOTALLY get this...my gremlin has ADHD (he is 13)...I read this and thought you were talking about my gremlin. Sorry you have to go through this but thanks for the reminder that I am not the only one.