Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Hamster Hy-jinks

Well, with Dad on the mend, I decided it's time to post something else for a change. This however, happened the in the wee hours of the morning the day after Dad's accident.

Sparky (the aliens' hamster) is an escape artist. I've suspected for some time that Holly (the cat) has been helping Sparky out, but I have yet to catch them "in the act". Sparky tries from sundown to sunrise to chew through the metal bars of her cage. It's one of those cute "Critter Trial" over-priced cages with all the brightly colored plastic tubes and stuff you can attach to it.

Well, dear Sparky has figured out that if she chews on the little latch-type cage door hard enough and long enough, it will vibrate the door open & she's free. I was just lucky enough to be walking past the cage & saw the little beast in action so I popped her back in her cage. Then I took a twisty tie from the bread and twisty-tied the hairy little monster's door shut. HA! Now try to escape. I went to bed feeling VERY superior.

3:30 am rolls around & I can't sleep worrying about Dad. I got up, played a bit on my computer and as I was getting toward the end of the game I was playing, I saw something out of the corner of my eye & it wasn't the cat. Holly was sleeping on the back of the chair using my head for a pillow.

I get up to investigate thinking that we had mice again. What do I see? Sparky sitting in the middle of the living room floor looking at me!!! I scooped her up in the only thing that had a lid - a water bottle that clips on the kids bike frame - screw on the lid & put it on top of the stove.

As the water bottle is jumping around on the stove, I check out the cage. The only possible way she could've gotten out is to squeeze that fat, sausage body of hers INBETWEEN the bars of the cage. This is NOT a small hamster. The next day I go to the pet store and found a hamster cage that uses all the plastic tubes & stuff that we have but the main base of the cage is solid plastic with little air holes in it. Escape proof.

So now I have a $6.95 hamster that eats $8.00 worth of food each year trying to chew her way out of $60 worth of plastic. Something here just doesn't add up..........

1 comment:

Burfica said...

I had the 60 dollar plastic cage, but then I got dwarf hamsters and they couldn't reach stuff or crawl through the tubes. So...I took my 20 gallon empty fish tank, and got a lizzard habitat lid and put them in there. If I had the wheel up on this base thing, they got on top of the wheel (on the outside of it) and started pushing on the lid on the cage. So...wheel off base, glass fish tank, Worked great. hehehehehe