Thursday, June 09, 2005

Birthday Party Snafu

The younger alien has a birthday in March, the older one, in July. The boys love to do things together so..... around the time school gets out, we have a pool party for both of them at the local community gym. The kids swim for awhile then we have cake & presents. Great plan, at least usually it's a great plan.

At 11:25 AM, my cell phone goes off - I figure it's an emergency to do with Dad - nope, it's the new babysitter. When I answer it, she informs me that the younger alien is on the way to the ER & his big brother rode with him (babysitter had 2 other kids & couldn't go). Thank God she sent them to the hospital in the town where I work. I managed to arrive at the ER before the ambulance did.

Little Alien was playing on the merry-go-round at the park. He was running & holding onto it to get it going, tried to jump up on it and missed. There was a pretty good gash on his left shin. I've got a strong stomach but seeing your own kids leg laid open like that will freak you out. It took five stitches to close it up (I thought it would take more). Poor little guy was screaming the whole time because he was so scared & it hurt but he held Mommy tight & kept his leg perfectly still. As we walked out, the people in the waiting room just stared at us. I looked a little confused and one of the women gave the hand signals to let me know half the hospital could hear him.

Big Alien was pretty shook up too - having to be the "grown-up" for the ambulance ride is tough for a 10 year old. He wanted to watch the last couple of stitches go in though so I let him. We got a Dairy Queen on the way home (cures almost everything) & that seemed to help a bit.

The worst part - no swimming until the stitches come out in two weeks. No swimming for him at his own party. There is nothing I can say or do to make this Saturday better. We are going to get his friends together in a few weeks and just do the swimming thing, I hope that helps a little.

Poor babysitter was freaked out completely! The aliens just started going there last Monday & this happens. She's about 27 and has a little girl about 3 years old. No experience with active little aliens like mine. I tried to calm her down too & let her know everything was alright & sometimes, stuff just happens.

The up side - we sat on the sofa in the A/C this afternoon & watched cartoons. Beats the heck out of working!


Burfica said...

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww poor thing. Man I would be wrapping that sucker in cellophane and tape and let him swim anyway. LOL

Icky poo, I hate it when the kids get hurt. specially your own.

Unknown said...

Hate to hear sounds like he's doing ok..that's good...but..gonna be very birthday is in July too..can I come to the pool party? care Shug...hows Dad? GOD BLESS!
