Sunday, December 12, 2004

The Christmas pageant

My preschool class had their Christmas program (along with the rest of the daycare) at the church today. I was thrilled to see almost 4oo people show up! The church was packed - standing room only. The children looked so adorable in their Christmas-best. Little girls in frilly dresses, velvet, and little red bows in their hair. Little boys with dress pants, sweaters and ties. It was all way too cute.

My class sang "Silent Night" (which I also taught them the sign language for) and they sang "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer". We put big red pom-pons on popsicle sticks so they could have a "red nose" when they sang the song. Corny I know, but you only had to hear the giggles of the parents know they loved it.

The afternoon was topped of by over half of the attendees gathering in the basement for cookies, cake and punch. I enjoyed getting to talk to some of the parents in a less formal atmosphere than usual and meeting some of the parents I hadn't met before. (Usually Mom OR Dad is the pick-up and drop-of person & we never get to meet the other one.)

All in all, a wonderful day.

1 comment:

Burfica said...

how cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Little kids are the cutest ever. hehehehehe