Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I saw this on another blog I read frequently and although I haven't made any recommendations or asked any questions of her yet, I thought I'd go ahead & post it here. I don't really expect any responses but I thought it would be fun to do and see if anyone leaves a comment on this one.

1) First recommend to me:
A) a movie
B) a book
C) a musical artist/album/song

2) Ask me any three questions you want, anything at all.

3) Go to your blog (if you have one), copy and paste this and allow everyone to ask you anything.


Burfica said...

okay lets see
movie---I robot

book--The Dragon Lance series

music--Da Preacha Man (he's a preacher here that has some cd's on the market, I own his, very good)

Three questions

1. What is your favorite candy bar and sweet(sweet being cake, brownies, cookies etc..)???

2. What is your favorite religious christmas song, and fun christmas song??

3. What is your favorite animal in the whole world and why??

There, now I'm curious. hehehehe

Alekx said...

Hi glad you are playing..
Are you feeling a bit better...
And I spit coffee outta my nose at the bark bark bark post.

Movie: SAW (it was a good physocolical thriller)
Book: The Stand by Stephen King
Music: Grandma got ran over by a reindeer tis the season and all

#1) What is one extreme sport you'd love to do or try or if you do one now what is it?

#2) What would be your dream career

#3) Vibrators or ticklers...
Hehehehe just had to throw one in there

~SugarBear~ said...
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